mardi 19 juin 2018

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2018

Hey guys, Haziq here. I wanna say Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all of you. Oh ya, it's been awhile I'm not posting anything on my blog since last Ramadan. Okay, basically Hari Raya means in Bahasa Malaysia is Eids. A celebration that every Muslims in this world celebrate after a month of fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan.

But, here in Malaysia especially in my place back in Kuching. Balik Kampung tradition is usual in here. We're celebrate this Eids with family. We gathered together in one house, celebrate, eat together and even sleep together.

For me this year of Raya is kinda a little bit boring because I want to celebrate my Raya with my friends back in Miri but I'm celebrating with my family. It's okay but, I have been celebrate raya with my big family for 8years right now. We never celebrate Raya back in my own place in Miri.

Oh ya, but... My Raya celebration in Kuching is kinda best too actually. I can visit lots of places in here from my cousing to be home back in Kpg Mang till my friend's kampung back in Muara Tebas. It's such a good moment because my stomach is full of foods. 😂

Alright, that's all from me. I hope the next Hari Raya I can celebrate at my place back in Miri soon.


Haziq Newton.

dimanche 3 juin 2018

samedi 2 juin 2018

It's been a long time

Hey guys, Haziq here. It's been a long time I'm not writing my blog since I'm being lazy to do it. (actually I'm still schooling at that time) So, I'm actually jobless (currently) but making money at home by working part time. It's hard to find a decent job today because my recent stpm results was TERRIBLE. I only got 1.96 which is not really good. I felt so dumb, regretful and shy. Since then, I decided not to pursuing my study in Degree but all my friends did. Congratulations to them. The reason why? Because my CGPA was terrible and I can't enter any universities. I thought, I can't chase my dreams. Few months later, I decided to wake up from failure and work hard. Till now.

That's all from me in 2018, I'll catch you in the next one. Cheers!